Chiropractic and Injury Education

How Many Times Should I Go To The Chiropractor After A Car Accident?

Written by Dr. James Toney | Aug 2, 2021 7:56:37 PM

When you're involved in a car accident, your car isn't the only thing that will likely suffer damage.

Car accidents are very traumatic on the human body as well.

Even if you've just suffered a minor injury, you will still likely experience pain or soreness after your motor vehicle accident that could linger on for months.

This may seem like a minor annoyance at the time, but minor pains can quickly become chronic issues if they aren't treated.

Whether you have a whiplash injury, or you're experiencing back pain or neck pain, and even if you don't think you're injured, you should still seek immediate medical care after your accident.

Many people choose chiropractic care after a car accident to treat their injuries.

But many of those same people wonder how many times they need to see their chiropractor after their accident.

No two patients will ever be the same, so there is no standard guideline for how many visits it might take for you to make a complete recovery.

Your chiropractor will determine the best treatment plan for your injuries, including how many visits it will take to fit your unique circumstances.

In the article below, we will look at chiropractic treatments after a car accident and how many times you may need to see your chiropractor.

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Do I Need to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

The answer to this question is usually yes, no matter how you feel after your accident.

Chiropractors can treat many conditions that may develop after a car wreck.

Even if you aren't experiencing any pain or other symptoms after your accident, you may have underlying issues that have yet to present themselves.

Many accident victims will experience muscle soreness and various body aches after an accident because of the force of the impact of the accident.

Either way, visiting a chiropractor after an accident will at the very least give you a clean bill of health after your accident.

And if any accident injuries are discovered during your exam, your chiropractor can begin treatment right away.

If you don't see a chiropractor right away and you begin to experience headaches, migraines, or dizziness in the days following your car crash, you may need chiropractic help to prevent permanent damage.

When Should I Go to the Chiropractor?

As we touched on above, it's in your best interest to see a chiropractic doctor as soon as you can after a car accident, even if you feel fine.

Many people will experience a rush of adrenaline that will mask pain after a traumatic event.

You could have a severe injury that needs immediate treatment but not realize it due to the flow of adrenaline in your body.

Your chiropractor will perform an in-depth physical exam to see if you have an injury that isn't showing symptoms yet.

Based on your exam, they will design a treatment plan that will likely include a chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulations to treat your injury.

Even if your chiropractor doesn't find anything right away, you will have an established record of getting medical care.

This is important information to give to your insurance company if you need to file an insurance claim.

Your initial consultation with your chiropractor will be useful if you start feeling symptoms a little later on.

It will show your insurance adjuster that you didn't put off treatment or ignore symptoms you had the entire time.

Schedule a free consultation with a local chiropractor as soon as possible because your health should be your number one priority after your accident.

Leaving an injury, even a minor one, untreated could cause serious long-term side effects.

How Often Do I Need to Visit the Chiropractor?

After your first appointment, the number of times you have to come back for chiropractic care will depend on your injuries' severity.

Accident victims that experience severe pain from an injury like whiplash or another soft tissue injury may have to go every few days until their symptoms start to improve.

Minor soreness in the neck or back may only require a few treatments spread out over several weeks.

After your first visit, your chiropractor will likely recommend at least one follow-up visit so they can be sure nothing else has become apparent as your body begins the healing process.

For many people, though, chiropractic care becomes a regular wellness activity that doesn't end.

People love the benefits of chiropractic care, and they want to experience them whether they or injured or not.

Any chiropractic doctor's goal, whether you are visiting after an auto accident or coming in for a regular wellness appointment, is to ensure that your body can function at an optimal level.

When you stop your treatments will ultimately be up to your recovery and the decisions made by you and your chiropractor. Still, many people opt to receive chiropractic care regularly for the rest of their life. 

How Can You Accelerate The Healing Process?

There's only so much you can do to speed up the recovery process, especially if you are seeking emergency medical treatment after an accident.

There may be ways to support your chiropractic treatments allowing you to heal faster and end your treatment sooner.

The first thing you can do to be sure you heal as fast as possible is to go to every chiropractic appointment.

If there's ever a reason you can't make it to an appointment, it needs to be rescheduled right away.

Missing just one visit can stall your progress, and it can be a red flag to your insurance company that you aren't taking your recovery seriously.

You also need to follow any advice your chiropractor gives you during your treatments.

They may recommend exercises or stretches you can do at home, and if they do, you should do all of them.

These movements could help you heal faster and enhance the progress you make during your chiropractor sessions.

And if your chiropractor puts any limitations on your activities, you need to stick to them as well.

Even though they may seem inconvenient, following those restrictions will help you improve faster and shorten your overall recovery time.

No matter what your diagnosis is, you should focus on your overall health as part of your treatment.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet and follow any lifestyle advice your chiropractor gives you.

If your chiropractor has given you the okay, start a light exercise routine and listen to your body so you don't try to do too much.

Hydration supports your muscles and may help them heal faster, so be sure to drink plenty of water.

Visit The Arrowhead Clinic

After an accident, it's vital to seek immediate chiropractic care.

The experienced chiropractors at the Arrowhead Clinic have specialized training that allows them to work with victims of car accidents to get them the medical attention they need. 

After making the initial diagnosis, they will design a treatment plan tailored to their patient's specific needs to make a full recovery.

And if another driver's negligence caused your accident, they can refer you to a personal injury lawyer that will help you with your personal injury claim.

Don't let minor injuries turn into chronic pain and long-term disorders.

If you have recently been involved in an accident, click the button below to schedule a Free Consultation with an accident injury chiropractor at Arrowhead Clinic.