Chiropractic and Injury Education

Where Should You Go After A Car Accident?

Written by Dr. Darris Gentry | Jun 22, 2022 7:17:49 PM

Nothing can flip your day on its head quicker than getting into an auto accident.

The initial panic and adrenaline rush can cloud your judgment and make it harder to decide what you need to do next.

Car crashes happen in a split second, but they can feel like an eternity. When the vehicles finally stop moving, and you get your bearings, the first thing you need to do is assess the damage that has been done.

Then, you need to decide what you need to do and where you need to go to receive the level of care you need to make a complete recovery. 

Here are symptoms to watch out for after a car accident.

If you are involved in a car accident, there are certain places you should consider visiting that will provide you with comprehensive care as well as ensure that your medical bills are paid.

In the article below, we will discuss a few of the places you might need to go after an auto accident.

Table of Contents


Always See A Doctor

No matter how you feel after an accident, it's always important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. 

Many people make the mistake of not seeking medical care because they think they are fine.

However, some common injuries take hours, days, or weeks before injury symptoms appear. 

That's why you should always seek medical care, no matter how you initially feel.

After your initial treatment, it's crucial to obtain any ongoing care the medical provider prescribes if you want to recover fully and have a successful claim. 

If you don't receive a medical evaluation or keep up with treatments, you're putting your health at risk, and you'll be giving your insurance company a reason to argue that your injuries are not significant, which will hurt your accident injury claim. 

Medical attention should always be taken seriously, and all follow-up medical care should be a priority.

You also need to keep all the medical documents you receive because they serve as evidence in your claim for damages. 

Also, keep copies of any work restriction instructions before turning over the originals to your employer.


Should I Get Emergency Treatment? 

People often wonder if they should get emergency care after being involved in a motor vehicle accident.

Sometimes, it's obvious if you have life-threatening injuries and need emergency medical attention. 

Other times, minor injuries may not warrant a hospital emergency. Non-life-threatening injuries do not need emergency care. However, that does not mean they shouldn't be treated at all. 

The best thing you can do is evaluate the amount of pain you’re feeling at the accident scene and base your decision on that.

Even fender benders and low-speed collisions that don’t produce much damage may seem insignificant, but you might still have injuries to worry about.

Neck, spine, or head injuries can occur at lower speeds, especially if you can't brace yourself for impact.

Head and neck trauma can be unpredictable, so if you are ever unsure about your pain at the scene of the accident, you should seek emergency care right away. 

Do I Need To Go to an Urgent Care Clinic After an Accident?

If you don't have severe or life-threatening injuries or crippling pain, and you don't think you need to go to the hospital immediately, you could visit an urgent care clinic or a primary doctor instead.

There are many injuries from motor vehicle crashes that seem minor at first, but this is usually due to the rush of adrenaline we experience after an accident.

Soft tissue injuries and Internal injuries can take some time to appear, and you always want to be sure you receive the medical attention you need.

You also don't want to have any issues with your insurance claim that could increase your medical costs regarding your medical bills and vehicle damage.

When you get medical treatment as soon as possible, you are making sure that your injuries are linked to the car accident.

Waiting too long to have your accident-related injuries diagnosed will make it harder to convince your insurance company that your car crash caused your condition.

Do I Need To See A Personal Injury Attorney?

It never hurts to speak to an accident attorney about a personal injury claim and legal options after a car accident, especially since they offer free consultations.

However, there are a few indicators that you absolutely need to see a personal injury attorney.

If the accident wasn't your fault, it's best to let an attorney deal with the insurance adjusters.

You don't want to accidentally say something that could hurt your claim or accept a settlement offer that isn't enough to cover proper treatment. 

If you suffered an accident injury that requires long-term care, left you with a permanent disability, or multiple parties may be responsible for your injuries, you should seek the help of a personal injury lawyer to help with the legal process. 

Insurance companies often refuse to offer fair compensation or refuse to make any settlement offer at all, especially if you don't have representation.

If you cannot secure a fair settlement offer from the at-fault driver's insurance company on your own, you need to contact a personal injury law firm to help with the claims process right away.

Your accident lawyer will represent your interests during settlement negotiations and in court should you and your attorney decide that filing a personal injury lawsuit is the best option to obtain maximum compensation for your losses. 

Arrowhead Clinic offers personal injury attorney referrals to accident victims.

Should I See A Car Accident Chiropractor For A Free Consultation?

Chiropractic treatment offers an all-natural approach to healing after an automobile accident.

They don't prescribe harmful pain medications and only recommend invasive surgeries as an absolute last resort.

Car accident chiropractors offer alternative treatments that are especially helpful if you have suffered a soft tissue injury.

Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to restore the body to its optimal function.

Car accidents often cause misalignments in the spine that can cause many harmful issues if adequate treatment is not obtained in a timely manner. 

When your chiropractor restores proper alignment, the pressure on the spinal nerves and vertebrae should be alleviated from pain.

During your free consultation, your chiropractor will carefully diagnose your injury and design a treatment plan tailored to your needs and pain level.

Aside from the medical benefits, your chiropractor will validate the range of your auto accident injuries, trace them directly back to the accident, and provide your lawyer with the needed medical records in order to present a strong injury claim. 

This allows your lawyer to effectively argue that the other driver was at fault and liable for all accident damages. 

Visit Arrowhead Clinic Today

If you were injured in a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention, whether you think you've suffered a severe injury or not.

If you don't need immediate emergency attention, a chiropractor is your next best option.

Urgent care doctors and primary care physicians often prescribe pain medications that mask your symptoms without treating the cause.

The chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic have the training and experience necessary to provide treatment options that help to ensure that you make a full recovery after your accident.

If you are suffering from a car accident injury, do not wait any longer to contact a chiropractor for help on your road to recovery. 

Click the button below to schedule your free consultation with the Top Car Accident Injury Chiropractor at Arrowhead Clinic today.