Neck Pain Doctor Atlanta, GA


Neck Pain Injury Treatment in Atlanta, GA

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Common Causes of Neck Pain

Many people come into our Atlanta Clinic to talk with our Doctors and Chiropractors about nagging Neck Pain and Upper Back Pain that affects their quality of life. 

Most Upper Back and Neck Pain results from injury to muscles and ligaments in the cervical and upper thoracic spine.Neck Pain Chiropractor in Atlanta

Neck Pain has many common causes that range from:

  1. Whiplash Injuries from a Car Accident or Sports Trauma
  2. Poor Posture Caused by Being at a desk too long placing additional stress on your cervical discs
  3. Having your computer monitor placed too high or too low during the day causes muscle imbalance throughout your Upper Back and Neck Musculature
  4. Sleeping Incorrectly 
  5. Twisting your head too quickly
  6. Exercising improperly

Neck Pain as a Result of an Auto Accident

One of the most common neck pain complaints is the result of one developing whiplash. Whiplash is most commonly associated with car accidents. Whiplash occurs when the neck is hyper extended suddenly.

In car accidents, this frequently occurs when a drivers are rear ended and their necks are thrust forward. This stretches out the neck, which results in whiplash. 

Whiplash is very treatable but it must be treated by a skilled professional.

Arrowhead Clinic Atlanta specializes in this type of treatment.

Schedule a free consultation today to speak with our chiropractors.

There are various ways to diagnose neck pain resulting from an auto accident. These techniques vary from direct hands on examinations to x-rays. It is important to know the specifics behind your neck pain from a car accident so we can work to to return you to optimum health. 

Why is Neck Pain so Common?

Many demands are placed on your cervical and upper thoracic spine during the day. The Neck creates stability for your head, shoulders, and upper body.

Your neck allows for:

  • Standing up straight
  • Bending and twisting
  • Protection of the delicate spinal cord that passes through the spinal column.

Your Neck is composed of vertebrae that begin in the upper torso and end at the base of the skull.

The bony vertebrae along with the ligaments, which are comparable to thick rubber bands, provide stability to the spinal structure while the discs provide shock absorption. 

The muscles allow the neck to glide smoothly for motion and provide necessary support.

Chiropractor treating neck pain injury

The neck has a significant amount of motion and supports but, because it is less protected than the rest of the spine, the neck can be vulnerable to injury and disorders that produce pain and restrict motion.

For many people, Neck Pain is a progressive issue that can cause terrible discomfort if not taken care of quickly.

Also, because the delicate nerves of our arms initially run through the cervical spine, any damage to a particular area of the neck can initiate adverse symptoms in the arms, such as:

  • burning
  • tingling
  • numbness
  • weakness

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is critical that you get check out by one of our Neck Pain Doctors in Atlanta today.

If this nerve damage persists it can have a long-term impact on your quality of life.


What to Expect at your Neck Pain Consultation

Your First Appointment at Arrowhead Clinic in Atlanta

Neck Pain Doctor Near Me | pain specialistOur Atlanta Neck Pain Chiropractor will perform a physical exam and ask about your neck pain, including how often it occurs and how much it hurts and where it refers pain too.

Dr. Turner might order tests performed during your initial visit so they can diagnose your Neck Pain properly and put together a plan to fix the underlying cause.

The following tests may be done:

  • X-Rays to Test the Structure of your Neck
  • Palpitations for Pain Centers 
  • Tests for Referring Pain Locations

Your Invitation to Neck Pain Relief

At Arrowhead Clinic in Atlanta, we have been treating victims of Accident Injuries and nagging Neck Pain Injuries for nearly 40 years. We are also open on Saturdays to better serve you! 

We welcome you to a Free Consultation at our Atlanta Clinic location, so you can determine the cause of your Neck Pain and what is needed for proper treatment. Click the link below for your Free Consultation with our Neck Pain Chiropractor in Atlanta.

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Arrowhead Clinic Chiropractor Atlanta

Our Location

Address: 3695 Cascade Rd, Atlanta, GA 30331

Phone Number: 770-961-7246

Office Hours


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