Whiplash Injury Chiropractor Riverdale, GA



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Whiplash Injury Chiropractor Atlanta, GA

Looking for a Whiplash Injury Chiropractor Near Me?

If you have ever been involved in a car wreck, you may need the help of our experienced Atlanta Chiropractors.

There are thousands of car accidents every year in Georgia. Many accidents are minor and others more severe, but a large percentage of these accidents leave the victims suffering from symptoms of Whiplash and Neck Pain.

Many Whiplash injuries from motor vehicle accidents occur at speeds as low as five to ten mph. The severity of the injury usually depends on whether you are properly restrained. 

Whiplash Treatment in Riverdale, GA

Neck pain ordinarily occurs when the car is rear-ended during a collision because of the violent changes within the neck structures.

The sudden backward jerk and forward movement causes the joints of the neck to be injured and can cause the muscles and ligaments of the neck and upper back to be overstretched and go into spasm.

The neck is extremely vulnerable to this type of trauma because of its ability to move in many different directions. Arrowhead Clinics are designed specifically for people involved in Car Accidents and currently experiencing Whiplash and Neck Pain symptoms.

For a free consultation with our Atlanta Chiropractors, click on the link below! We are also open on Saturdays to better serve you! 

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Common Symptoms of Whiplash

Symptoms of Whiplash can significantly vary depending on the type and severity of the accident that the person was involved in. Some of the most 
common symptoms that our Atlanta office treats include: 

  • Tightness and Spasm in the Neck and Upper Back
  • Upper Back Pain 
  • Localized Pain in the Neck
  • Jaw Pain 
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Migraines, Dizziness, and Headaches
  • Burning and Tingling Sensations in the Neck that radiates down the arms into the fingers

How do Chiropractors Evaluate Whiplash Injuries?

Our Chiropractors in Atlanta assess whether your Whiplash Injury calls for hospitalization, and we accurately test which muscles and spinal structures have been injured.

During the exam, our chiropractors evaluate the spinal joints' mobility and pain response. Our exam typically includes:

  • X-rays 
  • Motion Palpation and Compression Testing
  • Motor Skill Test
  • Reflex Testing
  • Cranial Nerve Examination 


Whiplash Recovery 

With proper medical care, many mild whiplash injuries can heal within six to nine months. However, more than 20% of those who suffer from whiplash continue to experience discomfort, pain, weakness, or restricted movement up until two years after the accident. 

In many cases, the majority of those who suffer a whiplash injury, experience some level of disability or pain for many years into the future and sometimes for the rest of their lives.

Treating Whiplash injuries takes the skills of an experienced and highly trained Chiropractor who is trained to address these types of accident injuries.

Studies have shown that the most effective treatment for whiplash injuries is a mixture of chiropractic care, rehabilitation of the soft tissues and following the close instruction of an injury chiropractors orders. Some common long-term conditions may include: 

  • Loss of the Normal Cervical Curve 
  • Migraines 
  • Degenerative Joint Disease 
  • Tinnitus
  • Fatigue 
  • Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 
  • Mid-Back Pain 
  • Visual Disturbances 
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Temporal Mandibular Degeneration 

How Does Arrowhead Clinic Treat Whiplash Injuries? 

  • Teaching Proper Posture: By keeping your neck, head, upper body and lower back aligned during movement and at rest, relieve stress on the neck.
  • Chiropractic Adjustments: This is necessary to realign bones of the spine and restore structural integrity to the ligaments, joints, and muscles.
  • Muscle Relaxation and Electrical Stimulation: Entails gentle pressure on certain sensory trigger points and electrical based stimulation to help with pain and improve the muscle function.
  •  Therapeutic Neck Stretches and Exercises: to improve muscle strength and range of motion our Atlanta Chiropractors show stretches and exercises to practice at home to improve your chances of a quick recovery.

Your Car Accident Settlement After a Whiplash Injury 

The sudden and unexpected force of a collision causes the tendons, muscles, ligaments in the neck to become severely contracted. Neck strains and sprains can result in a soft tissue injury, known as whiplash.

Whiplash injuries are very common after being involved in a motor vehicle collision, whether it is severe or minor. That is because these soft tissue injuries usually do not show up on:

  • MRI's
  • X-rays
  • Other Diagnostic Tests 

This means if you fail to get your injuries treated properly by an experienced chiropractor you may lose the maximum compensation possible in the outcome of your settlement.

At Arrowhead Chiropractic Clinic, we provide the proper documentation to prove that your injuries were a direct result of your car accident. All of your losses and injuries need to be documented properly and as much as possible.

Providing bills and medical records that prove the extent of your injuries assist your personal injury attorney when trying to establish proof and credibility in your accident injury case. 

Medical treatment and the seriousness of your injuries are two of the most important considerations when it comes to the value of your accident injury settlement, and the value or your settlement will be weighed quite heavily on these two factors.

After a motor vehicle accident obtaining the proper medical care from an Accident Injury, Rehabilitative Clinic is essential for a fast recovery and favorable settlement amount.

Visit Dr. Summer Turner DC Today

If you have been involved in a Car Accident and are experiencing symptoms of Whiplash, do not hesitate to contact our Atlanta Clinic today. We have the best Chiropractors in Georgia with the experience necessary to help with your recovery. 

Do not wait to seek treatment; our chiropractors offer a free consultation to see how we can best assist with your Whiplash Injury recovery. Click on the link below now to speak with an Atlanta, GA Chiropractor today.

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Whiplash is a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip. Whiplash is most commonly associated with rear-end car accidents.  

The pain can be felt in the neck and upper back.

It is recommended to see a chiropractor within 14 days of your whiplash, the sooner you can begin medical care the faster you can eliminate pain symptoms.

Our Whiplash Chiropractors utilizing chiropractic techniques, adjustments, and exercises help our patients get back to living a pain-free life. 

You should see a doctor immediately if you believe you have suffered whiplash after an automobile accident or bad slip and fall.

Even if the accident was minor, you should still get your neck and the rest of your spine evaluated for subluxations and inflammation.

After making sure that your cervical spine is stable, there are 4 main treatments that our Riverdale chiropractors use to help treat whiplash.

These include:

  • Manual Manipulations or Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Muscle relaxation/Massage and Electrical stimulation
  • Various exercises to ensure proper mobility Ergonomic
  • Lifestyle changes, like exercises, to perform at home, to make sure the issue is corrected for the long term.

Our treatments are aimed to provide you pain relief and help you get back to a pain-free life.

Depending on the severity of your injury, whiplash symptoms and pain may last only a few days or may continue for up to a month. 

It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible so that your injury does not turn into a long-term issue.

Recovery time depends on how serious your whiplash is. Some cases can resolve in a few treatments. But other neck strains may take weeks or longer to heal. Remember that everyone heals at a different rate.

Once the acute symptoms of neck strain are gone, your chiropractor will want you to start your rehabilitation.

Whiplash injury is not only limited to a neck injury but also brainstem injury that does not involve direct damage to the neck or head.

The symptoms of whiplash injury are polymorphous, with the most common complaints being cervical pain, headache, and scapulodynia. Vertigo and dizziness are also reported in 25–50% of the cases.

The most common cause of whiplash is being involved in a rear-end car collision.

The violent force of your head rapidly moving forward and then shifting backward causes neck strain.

Whiplash is best treated by chiropractors who are specifically training in dealing with motor vehicle accident injuries.

They have the experience through their chiropractic techniques to help provide pain relief and help you get your natural range of motion back. 

Back pain, especially in the lower back, may also indicate a whiplash-related injury.

It also could signal another condition like a sprain, herniated disc, or other soft-tissue injuries (such as muscle damage). If accompanied by tingling or numbness, it could also point to pinched nerves.

No, whiplash injuries are not permanent.

If you come to our office and get proper diagnostics and treatment done, whiplash injuries can be resolved quickly.

Yes, while more difficult than a rear-end collision, the impact caused by a front-end collision can result in whiplash injuries.

Yes of course, rear-end car collisions are the most common cause of whiplash injuries.

Common symptoms of whiplash include, Pain, decreased range of motion, and tightness in the neck. The muscles may feel hard or knotted. Pain when rocking your head from side to side or backward and forward. Pain or stiffness when moving your head to look over each shoulder. Tenderness. Headaches at the base of the skull that radiate towards the forehead.

While seeing an attorney is a good step after a whiplash injury, they will not be able to help you without proper medical documentation of your injuries. That is why you should come to our Riverdale whiplash treatment facility first.

Soft tissue injuries like whiplash do not show up on x-rays analysis or leave any mark that can be photographed. Even in MRI results, whiplash can be difficult to determine. So, the primary means of proving that you have suffered a whiplash injury is your chiropractor’s diagnosis and testimony. This makes it very important to visit a skilled chiropractor promptly after your car accident. Sometimes whiplash injuries take a few days or weeks to be felt, so if you develop new pain after the accident you need to go back to the doctor to get it documented.

No! Even at slow speeds, you can still get whiplash from a car accident. Whiplash is a neck injury that is caused by a forceful, rapid movement of your neck being forced back and forth, which can still happen at slow speeds.

Once again it is hard to determine how much you will receive for a whiplash settlement, it is critical to get evaluated by a chiropractor experienced with whiplash injuries.

Arrowhead Clinic in Atlanta

Our Location

Address: 83 Upper Riverdale Rd, Riverdale, GA 30274

Phone Number: 770-961-7246

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