Chiropractic and Injury Education

How to Handle Medical Bills After A Car Accident

Written by Dr. Calvin Erhabor | Jan 19, 2016 2:30:00 PM

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of Personal Injury in Georgia.

At Arrowhead Clinic, we specialize in helping Car Accident victims get the treatment they need after Auto Accidents and can refer you to great Personal Injury Attorneys to fight for your legal rights.

If you've been injured in a car accident, you should first contact a Car Accident Chiropractor.

This post is to help give you better information on how your Medical Care can be taken care of after a Car Accident Injury.

Before you can be treated for a Car Accident Injury, medical providers such as a Medical Doctor or a Personal Injury Chiropractor have to diagnose your injuries and document the information accurately.

In many cases, the diagnostic process is relatively quick, and the charge for it amounts to a small part of your medical bills compared to the cost of treatment if your injuries are severe.

In such cases, insurance companies do not usually make any distinction between diagnosis and treatment. They lump all your medical bills together into one medical specials amount.

Sometimes, doctors can put a person through a battery of tests and examinations, trying to diagnose what is wrong and run up large medical bills in the process.

If most of the medical bills are for diagnosis only, and the injury requires little treatment, an insurance adjuster might not view the total medical specials as accurately reflecting the injured person’s pain and suffering.

Consequently, the adjuster might use a lower cost multiplier for those medical bills to arrive at the appropriate range of damages.

Personal Injury Lawyer Lien 

The insurance company of the at-fault driver will try to offer you a settlement after they send one of their representatives to take pictures of the car accident.

If the at-fault party's negligence was a factor in your accident, a qualified accident attorney can help prove the other party is responsible and help you receive a fair settlement for all medical services that you received.

Your accident lawyer will do this by signing a medical lien of protection, which means you do not pay any out-of-pocket expenses to the healthcare providers for your treatment. 

Your auto accident attorney will proceed to go after the at-fault driver's insurance company.

During this process, you must be consistent with your medical treatment. If you are trying to make a claim, following the healthcare providers' professional recommendations is paramount.

Your Medical Doctor will strengthen your claim with the health insurance company by providing the necessary documentation to back up your treatment.

Medical Payments Coverage

To ensure you are covered for your medical expenses after an unfortunate accident, you can use Medical Payments Coverage on your Automotive policy.

If you elect to use your insurance and you have Medical Payments on your policy, you can take care of your medical expenses this way.

Medical payment coverage does not have many limitations, and medical payments allow you to take legal action with a personal injury claim if you are not satisfied with how the settlement is arranged.

Often, when people consider car insurance coverage, they worry most about the monthly premium more than the implications of damage to their vehicle. However, when you take a look at the bigger picture, it is easy to see that your health is far more important than your car, and it can pay huge dividends if you do get into an Auto Accident.

Medical payments coverage pays for medical costs after you are hurt in a car accident, regardless of who is found at fault for the crash.

Additionally, medical payments insurance may help pay for:

  • Injuries sustained by your passengers
  • Injuries you sustain as a pedestrian or bicyclist after a car hits you
  • Necessary dental care and procedures as a result of a car accident
  • Funeral expenses

Benefits and restrictions of medical payments coverage will differ amongst car insurance companies.

Health Insurance Coverage

Many health insurance policies will not cover medical care or hospital bills relating to an auto accident claim. 

If a health insurance provider finds out that you're being treated for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle crash, they will likely deny your claim for compensation.

This means that accident injury victims must use their medical payments on their auto policy or hire an experienced car accident lawyer to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver's auto insurance company to obtain compensation for their medical treatment. 

Chiropractic Care after an Auto Accident 

If you were involved in a motor vehicle crash that was not your fault, it's important not only for your physical health but also financial recovery to seek treatment for your injuries as soon as possible. 

At Arrowhead Clinic, we have a team of experienced chiropractors who specialize in treating accident victims. 

When you contact our chiropractic clinic, we will provide you with a free consultation as well as a referral to an experienced personal injury lawyer. 

Our chiropractors work with attorneys on a regular basis, so we know what documents they need when it comes to an accident lawsuit and the claims process. 

Auto accident injuries can be severe, causing life-long problems, especially if they are not treated in a timely manner. 

We advise you to seek treatment within 48 hours of your accident, which will ensure that your injuries are diagnosed and treated quickly. This will also help to ensure that your medical expenses will be paid, ultimately relieving any financial strain. 

In order to obtain the maximum amount during your personal injury settlement, it is important to follow the Chiropractor's care plan and not miss any appointments. 

Depending on the severity of your injuries, the chiropractor may suggest ongoing treatment, which will be included in your legal claim. 

Let Arrowhead Help You With Your Car Accident Injuries

If you were Injured in a Car Accident, the first step is to get a diagnosis from a qualified Accident Injury Doctor, who will document your injuries properly.

Once this is done, you can use the above-listed strategies to help take care of your Medical Expenses.

Take care of your Car Accident Injuries today by clicking the link below to set up a Free Consultation.

Next Blog: Common Car Accident Injuries