Covering Chiropractic Care with a Personal Injury Claim
Finding a Rehabilitation and Chiropractic clinic that provides a proper accident injury treatment plan and appropriate documentation for your injuries is detrimental to your accident claim.
Seeking chiropractic treatment after an auto accident or sudden impact injuries is common and recommended for a fast and natural recovery.
This blog discusses how to prove medical expenses from a personal injury accident and how to proceed with treatment.
Table of contents:
- Injured in an accident
- Proving medical expenses after suffering injuries
- Two aspects that are crucial in protecting and proving your injury case
- Chiropractic expenses and negotiations
- Get treatment at Arrowhead Clinic
If your neck, back, or spine was injured in a car accident and you have made a personal injury claim, the insurance companies of the responsible party are obligated to pay necessary medical costs or at least some of it.
If you prove that your medical expenses were necessary to your recovery, the insurance company will be responsible for covering your medical expenses, including any chiropractic bills.
You shouldn’t worry about racking up debt or paying off medical bills when injured.
When an injured victim files a personal injury claim against the liable party, the cost of the medical care and other necessary expenses is included in the plaintiff’s damage award.
Chiropractic doctors specialize in treating "soft tissue injuries" such as strains, contusions, whiplash, and sprains.
Other side effects that follow car wreck injuries include chronic pain, neck pain, headaches, fatigue, shoulder pain, insomnia, vision problems, anxiety, and more.
Documentation should include detailed narratives and daily reports that the Insurance companies and accident lawyers need to properly resolve your claim.
Proving Medical Expenses After Suffering Injuries
Typically, a losing defendant is responsible for paying all of the plaintiff’s reasonably necessary bills related to the accident.
As part of proving his or her losses in a case, the plaintiff will submit an activity log of the bills they incurred as a result of the injury.
However, just because the plaintiff received treatment, including chiropractic care, doesn’t necessarily mean the jury will infer that the treatment was necessary.
Two Aspects That Are Crucial in Protecting and Providing Your Injury Case
- Documentation of the specific symptoms, the treatment provided
- The Costs incurred for each treatment must be laid out in the records and billing
Without detailed records, insurance providers could claim that the chiropractic costs were not “reasonably necessary.”
Also, if you delay the recovery process for weeks or even several days after an accident, it will be harder to demonstrate that your injuries were a result of an automobile accident or sudden injury.
Quickly receiving medical treatment is good for your health and strengthens your chiropractic treatment claim.
In cases that aren’t easily settled or are “challenged,” a plaintiff may need to obtain an expert to testify that the kind of medical treatment the plaintiff acquired was necessary to treat his or her injuries.
The defendant can, in turn, also hire an expert to testify the opposite.
Even if expert witnesses are not involved in a case, it is ultimately up to the jury to conclude how much of the plaintiff’s chiropractic expenses were “reasonably necessary.”
However, in some cases, a judge can revise an award if it does not fit the evidence shown in the case.
Sometimes, chiropractic expenses are challenged because they can get quite high, particularly if the plaintiff is receiving numerous treatments a week over several months.
Now and then, depending on the details of your case, juries argue the efficacy of chiropractic care.
However, it's important to remember that chiropractic expenses are not prohibited as a source of therapy and are considered acceptable medical expenses.
In particular cases, the jury may be persuaded that some chiropractic appointments were necessary but only require the defendant to pay a portion of the total bill.
Although this is rarely the case, chiropractors are better recognized for helping accident victims heal quickly, safely, and more affordable than invasive procedures and costly surgeries.
Chiropractic Health Clinics specializing in personal injury are well-versed in the intricacies of insurance claims and accident litigation. They act as advocates in helping patients get a fair chiropractic settlement during the claims process.
Chiropractic Expenses and Negotiations
Your personal injury claim will likely be settled before ever going to trial. In the majority of cases involving chiropractic treatment, particularly car accidents, a defendant's auto insurance company will negotiate and pay the settlement or trial award.
If a plaintiff is presumed to have made a full recovery but has not yet done so, the case may not be fit for settlement until the chiropractor concludes the plaintiff has made the maximum potential recovery.
If you settle and you're still receiving ongoing treatment, you may be faced with mounting chiropractic bills. Once you accept an accident settlement, you cannot go back and ask for additional compensation.
The plaintiff and their personal injury lawyer will need to make the judgment call to accept a settlement that does not cover some or all of the chiropractic care or to take their chances in a trial.
How Long Do You Have To Get Chiropractic Care After A Car Accident?
If you are experiencing any symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries after a car accident, you should seek out a chiropractor as soon as possible after your accident.
Do not wait until you receive a settlement for your car accident before beginning chiropractic treatment.
Even if your health insurance does not cover chiropractic, and most insurers do, you will receive reimbursement for your chiropractic treatment in the settlement.
Ideally, visit a chiropractor within 72 hours of the accident for detailed documentation and to avoid any long-term damage from your injuries.
Even if you don't think you've suffered an injury, you should still see a chiropractor. You may not be immediately aware of the true extent of your injury, as many people suffer hidden injuries and are completely unaware until hours or days later.
Chiropractic services are a holistic form of treatment that does not rely on medication, surgery, or other invasive procedures.
Get Treatment at Arrowhead Clinic
At Arrowhead Chiropractic Clinics, we specialize in car accident injuries and physical and financial recovery.
Not only are we the leading experts in treating personal injury accidents, but we can also refer you to experienced car accident attorneys who can help you get the money you deserve after suffering physical and financial loss.
We will contact the negligent driver's insurance company and handle all legal documentation relating to your accident case so you can focus on making a complete recovery.
If you have questions regarding your insurance company or how to proceed with proper coverage, call your nearest accident care chiropractor.
Our receptionists and medical staff are happy to assist with any questions or concerns.
Walk in today or click the button below and get a free, no-cost consultation with one of our expert auto accident chiropractors so you can get the care you deserve.
Did you know that chiropractic care can help with other conditions? Learn how to Fix Acid Reflux Disease with Chiropractic Care here!
Read our previous blog: How Chiropractic Care Can Benefit People Who Suffer from Asthma and Allergies