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Marietta Chiropractic Care and Local News

Common Soft Tissue Injuries After Car Accidents in Marietta

Soft tissue injuries are perhaps the most common injuries in car accidents.


Some people think soft tissue injuries aren't a big deal, but that couldn't be further from the truth.


Soft tissue injuries aren't visible, and they typically don't require serious medical intervention, but if soft tissue injuries are left untreated, they can cause a lifetime of problems. 


Seeking medical attention after a car accident is the best way to ensure your recovery after an accident.  


Our Marietta Car Accident Chiropractor can help treat your injuries. 



In the article below, we will examine some of the most common soft tissue injuries after car accidents in Marietta.


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Typical Causes of Whiplash in Marietta

Whiplash is the non-medical term used to describe pain in the neck after an injury to the soft tissues of the neck occurs.


A variety of events can cause whiplash.


Whiplash occurs when an abnormal motion or force is applied to the neck that causes movement beyond its normal range of motion. 


The movement of the neck is similar to the cracking of a whip.


When this occurs, the muscles of the neck are pulled, and they become strained, which causes a whiplash injury to occur. 


This condition can sometimes take a couple of days to show symptoms, so it's important to pay attention to your body in the days following your accident.



In the article below, we discuss the three most common causes of whiplash that we see in our Marietta office, what to do following a whiplash injury in Marietta, and how to get your injuries treated.


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How Your Marietta Chiropractor Can Fix Your Back Pain

There are countless ways to get Low Back Pain.


Some people get low back pain while they are downhill skiing, while others get it from simply sitting at their desk all day. 


Current evidence suggests that over 80% of adults endure some back pain during their life.


Everyday activities like bending, lifting, and twisting may result in poor movement patterns that inevitably cause lower back pain.  


All of our joints, ligaments, and discs that make up our spines manage our balance and mobility.


If any of them are damaged, overly stressed, or thrown out of alignment, it could result in a substantial amount of pain.


Back pain will take a serious toll on your health if it's left untreated. 


If you experience back pain, a chiropractor may be your next best friend.




In the article below, we will look at how your chiropractor in Marietta can help ease your back pain.


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