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Savannah Chiropractic Care and Local News

How Long Does it Take For A Whiplash Injury to Heal in Savannah?

If you've ever suffered from whiplash after a car accident in Savannah, GA, you know how painful whiplash can really be.

And you likely want it to heal as fast as possible.

Our Savannah Whiplash Chiropractor can help you heal. 

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs as a result of an impact that causes your head to jerk forward or backward, causing strain on your neck that can be mild, moderate, or severe.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure how long it will take your whiplash to heal.

No two people or two accidents are exactly alike, so no two people will heal the same way or at the same rate.

On average, it takes people 2-3 months to heal from their whiplash injury.

But again, healing times will vary from person to person and depend on factors like age, physical health, mental health, and occupation.   

Also, people with severe whiplash injuries will take longer to make a complete recovery.

About one-third of people with whiplash report still having issues after a year and some people suffer from chronic pain or headaches for years following their accident.

In the article below, we will look at how long it can take to heal from a whiplash injury in Savannah, GA.

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Can You Sue For Back Pain After A Car Accident in Savannah?

Back injuries are very common after being involved in a car accident in Savannah, GA.

Countless victims experience back injuries in auto accidents every day.

These injuries often disrupt their ability to perform necessary tasks to make it through the day.

Related: What are the most common accident injuries in Savannah?

Fortunately, if someone else's negligence caused your car accident, you have the right to sue for compensation in a personal injury claim.

A successful settlement requires a few things.

First, you have to prove that the other driver indeed caused the accident and your resulting injuries.

A personal injury lawyer can help you with this.

Even though back injuries are prevalent, sometimes they don't show up until hours or days after the accident.

That's why you should always visit a Savannah Car Accident Chiropractor that can diagnose and document your back injury right away.

You should also gather as much evidence as possible after your motor vehicle accident.

In the article below, we will discuss what it takes to sue for your back injury in Savannah, GA.

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Should I Go To The ER After A Car Accident in Savannah?

Getting into a car accident is a frightening experience.

Whether you've been in a small fender bender or a serious crash, recovering from a car accident can be a difficult task.

A rush of adrenaline and shock can take over in the moments after a car accident causing your reason to be clouded.

Even if you aren't in pain right after the accident, it could be because the adrenaline is masking your symptoms.

That's why you should still seek medical attention from a Savannah Car Accident Chiropractor.

But, how do you know if your injuries are bad enough to justify a trip to the emergency room?

Should you go to the emergency room no matter what?

We'll explore these questions in the article below.

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